Identifying Plantar Fasciitis As The Source Of Foot Pain: What's With Your Aching Feet?

17 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Foot pain is something you can't ignore, no matter how tough you tend to be with physical symptoms. You need your feet to hold you up and get you where you want to go without too many aches and pains. If you're developing plantar fasciitis, however, expect to be slowed down for a bit while you sort this tender situation out.

The Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis

Foot pain of all sorts is common, especially for hard-working people who run around all day or for the more fashionable folks who sport sky-high heels. Plantar fasciitis will show itself with some very specific symptoms:

  • Sharp pain in your heel
  • Throbbing pain immediately following exercise or long periods of standing
  • Intense heel pain when you first get up in the morning or after you've been sitting for a while
  • Developing heel spurs
  • Swelling of the heel

Since plantar fasciitis is very heel-specific, at least you have a better chance at an accurate diagnosis, which should lead to prompt treatment.

Why This Is Happening To You

This condition is sometimes inexplicable, and you may never be told exactly why you've developed it. Simply overusing your feet, abusing them, or exercising intensely, where the fascia is stretched and strained to the point of tearing can cause these problems. Additionally, life circumstances may lead you to be a more likely candidate for plantar fasciitis, such as:

  • Having a job where you're on your feet for most of the day
  • Being overweight can contribute to the stress your fascia is under
  • Aging itself, as the body starts to reveal the effects of time, may lead to a tender fascia
  • Having any type of foot abnormalities, such as flat feet or an uneven gate, can lead to this painful condition

Of course, there may be no obvious reason why this is happening to you, but you should seek relief nonetheless.

How A Podiatrist Can Help You

Podiatrists are specialists in diagnosing and treating problems associated with the feet, and when you visit one, you'll find out how common plantar fasciitis is. The benefit of seeing this condition all the time, though, is that you should have a quick diagnosis, with effective treatment recommendations to follow:

  • X-rays may be ordered, to ensure there are no spurs, stress fractures, or other complications
  • Arch supports or special shoes might be needed to relieve the pressure your feet are under throughout the day
  • Splints worn while you're sleeping keep the fascia from contracting too much, which should alleviate some of the morning pain
  • Physical therapy is often helpful with plantar fasciitis so that you may be scheduled for some professional stretching.

Other Remedies You Can Apply At Home

Visiting a podiatrist should be your first order of business; however, there may be things you can do on your own, too. Ask about some of the ways you can provide yourself the relief you need, particularly after a long day on your (aching) feet:

  • Put your feet up and leave them there for a few minutes when you come home from work
  • Apply an ice pack to the affected area, which will alleviate swelling and at least some of the pain
  • Wear only the most practical shoes for your feet, even if you're the most fashionable person you know
  • If you need to lose weight, talk to your podiatrist about exercises that won't aggravate your condition
  • Gentle stretching and soft massage are usually effective with plantar fasciitis

Few things are more annoying or cumbersome than painful feet, especially if you're someone who is always on the go. Don't let plantar fasciitis slow you down though, as there's much to be done with this condition. Contact a medical office like Advanced Foot Clinic and be proactive about your pain and treatments. Your feet may need more TLC from now on, but being able to walk pain-free will be well worth your efforts.